Where some see challenges, we see opportunities for change. Drawing on over 15 years’ experience to turn What now? into Here’s how we can achieve it together – and deliver better jobs, better incomes, a better environment and gender equity for all.
Delivering impact where it matters most
Whether farming or forestry, fishing or factories, our focus is always on people, planet and progress. Together with our partners, we co-create programs and interventions across the globe based on 4 impact agendas that cut across sectors, regions and landscapes.
Living Income
Guidance on how to enable a decent standard of living for smallholders through improved procurement.
Decent Work and Wages
Support and guidance for action to ensure decent work in global value chains.
Gender Equality
Tools for shaping inclusive business environments that catalyse economic growth.
Climate and Nature
Planet-proof and people-first policies to keep supply chains and ecosystems thriving.
Global reach, local relevance
Headquartered in the Netherlands, we have a network of over 400 staff in key markets and value chains in over 23 countries around the world.
Our global presence and network are fundamental to being able to perform – speaking the language, understanding the culture and seeing ways to improve the market, sector, value chain, country and situation in which we operate.
Donors making a difference
Our work is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, as well as numerous other strategic donors.